Time does make an exception and goes slow for me. The herbs planted in the beginning of summer have now grown tall. In the backyard the peach trees are bearing orange fruits. I found another pit in the herb box - and now I remember seeing a squirrel appropriately descending down the fire escape a step at a time this morning. Somehow already it feels like fall.
Though in the studio it is unmistakably summer. I thought about getting an AC again as I headed there this morning but it just does not make sense to install a thing to cool air right next to two big machines doing just the opposite all the time. I do not get used to the heat and often it really wears me out but I like working and sweating and feeling sticky on my forehead. It feels rewarding at the end of the day, after the shower, sitting down by the window watching the sky changing its color. -- Rewarding? It just feels good, to physically work, and feel tired at the end of the day. Did I do good work today? My time is almost up. Have to use it. Use it well.
I'm getting ready for a show opening next month. I just got an acceptance notice yesterday. I"m running around in my mind.