Day Two Hundred Nine


I was going to show the Time Vessels pieces at the Governor's Island's art fair this fall if I was accepted and planning on making additional 50-100 pieces to finish the series.  Now the project has untheatrically ended without completion. I considered making the additional pieces anyways but somehow the original idea that motivated me to make those pieces does not fit me well so I decided to take a break and start on a new project. I have been writing to see what would come out; now I'm mainly interested in holding the present time and not so much about going back to the past to amend my youth wastefully spent or visiting the future to know what my current doing and being should be. My desire is about now, about my everyday activities and immediate needs. I want to make the present moment longer so I could be working on a project as long as I like and could spend time generously, drawing every single petals of dandelions without thinking that I could grow old while making worthless paintings of these ordinary flowers. I want to be at multiple moments at the same time so I could be painting, working, walking, playing music and spending time alone and with friends, and traveling and staying home at once without having to pick just one.